• Baking

    Potato Scones

    This is one of those recipes that I’ve kept thinking I should do and have never got round to before.

  • Baking

    Incredible Chocolate Cake

    It’s another Mary Berry one and it is everything I’ve ever wanted in a chocolate cake. This was the first of hopefully many holiday baking days with my daughter and while our presentation may not be professional the cakes taste amazing

  • Baking

    Cheesy soft rolls

    I saw this recipe in a sourdough bread group on FB. It’s great to prepare one day ready for breakfast the next morning. Also nice with a bit of balsamic vinegar although my husband prefers a dash of Henderson’s Relish. I keep threatening to add a touch of marmite but as I’m the only one who likes it I’d have to eat all the rolls….

  • Baking

    Sourdough Pita

    I’ve been doing quite well with my bakers yeast based pita (making a batch every other week) but the sourdough way of life tends to take over and so it’s time to try out a new recipe.

  • Baking

    Cornflake Tart

    This is one of my husband’s favourites, and whereas I wasn’t keen on shop bought versions I must admit I really like my own, possibly because I do the pastry thinner.

  • Baking

    Sourdough Muffins

    Well it had to happen, my daughter’s love of muffins and my search on how to use sourdough has combined. I found this great recipe here

  • Baking

    So I got a butternut squash…

    I love butternut squash, unfortunately I’m the only one here who does. So when I get one it’s a mix of “Mine all mine” and “how am I going to eat all this?” So I batch cook, mainly soup. However last week I was very ambitious in my purchasing (and I should have taken a picture of the monster squash before I cut it in half

  • Baking

    Sourdough Crumpets

    The only “downside” to having is sourdough is you have to keep using it! Yes I know I could put it in the fridge but I’m not very good at remembering to take it out in time when I need to use it.