This has been worked with Anchor Creativa Fina 100% cotton
- 3.5 mm hook
- 1 x 50g ball of 0161 (A) , 0363 (B) 0306 (C), 0179 (D), 0225 (E), 0395 (F), 0412 (G), 0247 (H), 0269 (I)
Not much yarn is used with colours C & D so you could get away with losing 2 other colours replacing rows later on.
Join each round with a slst
- Colour C: Either work into a magic ring OR chain 6, joining with slst, ch 3 (1st tr), 15 tr (16 sts)
- Colour D: Join with dc, chain 5, *dc into next st, ch 5* repeat, (16 loops)
- Colour E: Working into 3rd chain in each set of 5; *dc, 2ch* repeat to end.
- ch, *2 tr into 2 ch sp, dc into dc from round 3* repeat to end. (16 petals)
- Colour F: joining into a dc with a dc, *3 ch, dc into dc from round 4* repeat to end. (16 loops)
- ch, *4 tr into 3 ch sp, dc into dc from round 5,* repeat to end. (16 petals)
- ch, *5ch, dc into dc from round 6* repeat to end
- This is where we turn the circle into a square Colour G: Working into 3rd chain in each set of 5; *(dc, 3 ch) repeat 3 times, dc 5 ch* repeat another 3 times
- Then into each 3 ch space work; 3 tr, 1 ch. The into each (corner) 5 ch space work 3 tr, 2 ch, 3tr, 1 ch.
- Colour A: Each row now continues with; 3 tr, ch into each side 1 ch spaces and 3 tr, 2 ch, 3tr, 1 ch into each corner 2 ch space.
- Colour H
- Colour H
- Colour I
- Colour F
- Colour E
- Colour E
- Colour I
- Colour A
- Colour H
- Colour H
- Colour B
- Colour A
- Colour I
- Colour B